Thursday: A few clouds during the morning, sunny conditions expected during the afternoon. Highs around 70. Lows in the lower 50s.
Friday: Clouds & Sun. Highs in the mid-70s, with lows in the upper 50s and lower 60s. Winds 5-10 MPH out of the south. Saturday: Mostly Cloudy during the morning, with breaks of clouds & sun during the afternoon. Storms will be possible around and after sunset for portions of Western DFW. Severe weather may be possible. Highs in the mid to upper 70s. Sunday: Cloudy day with the potential for some strong to severe storms. Timing and coverage of storms is still TBD. Up to an inch of rainfall will be possible. Highs around 70. Monday: Severe weather looks the most likely from Monday and Tuesday, with plenty of instability being forecasted. Storms possible during the afternoon and evening hours. Highs around 80. Tuesday: Severe storms may be possible during the afternoon and early evening. All threats may be possible, but it is too early to determine where these would happen as there is some forecasting uncertainty. Highs in the upper 70s. Wednesday: Storms during the early morning hours are very likely at this current time. Storms could be severe. The long-term projections suggest threats of damaging winds or an isolated tornado are possible. Highs will likely be in the mid 50s, which should limit widespread severe weather. Afternoon clearing into sunshine is expected at this time. Lows will likely dip into the upper 20s and lower 30s. SUBSCRIBE TO US ON YOUTUBE: Keep up to date with DCW on Facebook, Instagram and our website for the latest. |
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